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Mature Woman Closed Eyes


Specialist Peri & Menopause Programme

We all want to be able to live our lives as we always have but Menopause and hormonal symptoms can throw us off track.

You’ve tried lots of different things to alleviate your symptoms but nothing is really helping. My guess is that if you’re reading this page, you’ve decided that the time is now right for some guidance and support.

I would love to support you with professional care and guidance to get you on the path back to feeling yourself again.

Menopause is a natural life stage that we will all experience but it’s one that isn’t always very kind to us! Believe me, when I say that what we feel and how we feel during Menopause does not have to be all bad.


I will create your bespoke plan to help you get to that place where you feel balanced and more like yourself again.

My aim when I work with you is to help you thrive through Menopause and beyond. How do I do this? We spend time together (either online or in person) to form a clear picture of your challenges and what you would like to achieve.

I’ll be with you every step of the way of your programme, helping and supporting you to make some simple changes over time. You won’t be depriving yourself of foods you love or be made to eat anything that you don’t like. The whole point of your plan will be to fit in with how you live your life so that you can feel like the best version of yourself.

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Assessments are priced at £85 and personalised THRIVE programmes start at £245 and vary depending on the level of support you would like. We will explore together what is right for you.

Take the next step by booking your free 30-minute Menopause MOT here, where you will have a precious bit of time and a safe space that’s all about you to explore what you need right now and to start feeling hopeful about what is possible. I look forward to speaking with you.

Woman in Corn Field


What we eat and drink provides our body’s with the building blocks to create how we feel and function.

We all have different needs at different times & Nutritional Therapists apply the latest research in nutrition and health sciences to you and your symptoms. We then develop a diet, lifestyle and (sometimes) a supplement plan to support those needs. I also use health coaching to help you put the ideas into practice in a meaningful and practical way to break through whatever barriers have held you back in the past and to make the journey as simple as possible.

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